Our Mission

The Good Eg That Cares

Did you know that high cholesterol is one of the risk factors for heart disease, causing 4.4 million* deaths worldwide every year? What if you could eat your fill of fluffy, delicious, zero-cholesterol eggs with high protein and the added bonus of nutrients and fibre packed in?


Lower Your Carbon Footprint

It takes a whopping 196* litres of water to produce a single chicken egg! Asia is one of the largest contributors of carbon emissions in egg farming and 65% of the egg producers worldwide. If we took the chicken out of the egg and replaced animals in our food with their plant-based alternative, it would cut carbon emissions and literally heal the air we breathe.


Skip the Supply Chain Kinks

One thing the pandemic has taught us: it takes very little to disrupt the food supply chain. Being able to control that and make your own food instantly prevents wastage from supply disruption. Makes sense, doesn’t it? When supply stabilises, so do prices.

Illustration of broken eggs

Poor Chicken! 
Let's Give You A Break

You’ve seen the overcrowded chicken batteries on TV and the cruelty in the treatment of millions of chickens bred in cramped conditions for their eggs. What about all the antibiotics and other chemicals that have gone into their systems? When will the next avian flu happen? Over 75%* of emerging infectious human diseases have animal origins.
It’s easy to break that link - go egg-free!
